JESUS. Loving Wife. Boy Mama.
KETO/LCHF. T1D. Gluten Free.
Oily. ENFJ. Enneagram 2.
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Instant Pot Keto Chili
Come see how easy it is to make a KETO CHILI with the Instant Pot from one of my freezer meals! #thisishowweketo With busy busy schedules, my mom and I took some time a few weekends ago to make some SUPER EASY freezer crock pot meals and they have been a LIFESAVER!...
Keto Spiced Bacon
Have you ever SPICED your Bacon!? No!!? Well my friends YOU ARE MISSING OUT ON THE BEST THING EVER!!! Simple, easy and so many different varieties!- What we did here is sprinkle our favorite seasoning brand BUTT RUB, where "a little butt run makes everything better"...
Savory, Fluffy Keto Waffles
*Disclaimer: In the name of full transparency, please be aware that this post may contain affiliate links and any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you!) This allows me to do what I LOVE and support my...