JESUS. Loving Wife. Boy Mama.
KETO/LCHF. T1D. Gluten Free.
Oily. ENFJ. Enneagram 2.
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Living from the heart
So many things have changed for my husband and I recently and change is good... BUT HARD. In the midst of learning new skills, growing as a business woman, wife and friend, I have been provoked to STAY OPEN. To LIVE OPEN. To have my heart be soft, pliable and...
ESSENTIAL OIL DIY: Margarita Lip Balm
I am THAT girl. I seriously CANNOT live without lip balm. Come on over to my house and you will find tubes in EVERY room of the house!! So I thought to myself... HECK... I can make this stuff, right!!? RIGHT!!!!! Mmmmmm... Lets make one that tastes like a...
WEEKEND REVIEW: Hilton Head Island
When life hands you lemons... MAKE LEMONADE. But isn't lemonade bitter? I think I needed something a little sweeter... After a DIFFICULT 7 weeks, with a variety of personal challenges and struggles, we were at a point where we HAD to get away. For our hearts... our...