JESUS. Loving Wife. Boy Mama.

KETO/LCHF.  T1D. Gluten Free.
Oily. ENFJ. Enneagram 2.

Living from the heart.

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Chocolate Chip Piffle Waffle

Chocolate Chip Piffle Waffle

Happy National Waffle Day! This chocolate chip (PIFFLE) waffle is going to blow you away with how fast it is to whip up and incredibly delicious! The entire family will be shocked at your culinary skills! But your secret is safe with me that this recipe is OH SO STUPID EASY!!!

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Loaded KETO Nachos

Loaded KETO Nachos

These stupid easy loaded keto nachos are going to be your new favorite recipe when you forget dinner and the family is HUNGRY! The options are endless and you can use any combination of meat and cheese that you have in your fridge! Here’s to a happy Friday night that is STUPID EASY YUM!

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