Lets talk about WILD ORANGE!
Ok yall… Before we dive into my Citrus in the Spring EO series,
(starting off with my fave Wild Orange)…
Can we just talk about SPRING for a minute!!?
And beautiful! And warm! And breezy!
Spring colors, spring cleaning, spring nights and cool mornings…
Well, enough about ME. I’m sure you get it… I LOVE SPRING!
So let’s get started and kick off this “I love Citrus in the Spring” series with my best pal WILD ORANGE! Mmmmm. I love orange. OK, here we go!
Meet your new BFF. Seriously. In a few weeks you are going to ask me how you survived as long as you have without this gem of an oil. And oh boy is it a happy one!! I’m sure we can all use a little mood boost with a daily dose of vitamin D after those cold winter months, right!? RIGHT!!!
This is going to be a family favorite in NO time!
Wild Orange Essential Oil (Citrus Sinensis) is extracted from the rind of the orange and cold pressed. It is such a dreamy, lovely, intoxicating oil. If I am travelling and even crack the lid open, (heaven forbid I actually place a drop or two in the palm of my hand!) everyone around me sighs and says “ohhhhhh wooooow… that smells SO good!” AND RIGHTLY SO! Wild Orange is an uplifting, invigorating and renewing oil that is quite creative. Creative you ask? Let me explain…
Most oils in the citrus family (Lemon, Lime & Grapefruit) have a predominant uplifting effect on the body, mood and energy levels. Wild Orange not only has that ability but can ALSO have a lovely calming effect when the body calls for it. I like to think of it this way: Some of us are wired with a ton of energy and an INVIGORATING BOOST is not exactly what you need but RATHER a gentle, natural, calming effect. Wild orange does that and more! Many have found it to be helpful to lull them to sleep by diffusing it before bedtime AND help wake them up in the morning. Give the body what it needs and it works the way it is supposed to! Pretty cool huh!!?
• Powerful cleanser and purifying agent
• Contains powerful antioxidants*
• Supports a healthy immune system
• Energizing and revitalizing aroma
How many times have you cut into an orange (or tried to peel it with your fingers) and that zest from the rind invigorates your senses?! That is your nose interacting with the essential oils! SO cool! Something that I LOVE about an orange peel is that the scent is so HAPPY. This energetic oil is often known for these amazing uplifting properties and can support and foster creativity, boost physical energy as well as inspire abundance. Simply breathing in this oil can affect many different things we might be emotionally going through. Wild Orange aids in letting go of fear, scarcity, poverty mindsets and so many more. When we breathe in these amazing oil molecules, they are actually affecting different parts of our brain that control our mood and emotions. Wild Orange helps us to connect to the playful part of our hearts, allowing us to walk in joy, fun and spontaneity!
One of the best part of using essential oils to support different parts of the body is that you can LAYER them with others! Not only will you SMELL SO GOOD but you will be layering the benefits one by one! I like to massage an oil into a reflexology point or desired area of the body for about 30-45 seconds before I layer another one on. This helps to increase circulation, allowing the oils to penetrate deeper into the skin. ALSO it is good to remember that these oils are so power packed that one drop goes a looooooooong long way. So only use 1-2 drops at a time, remembering that as soon as 15min has passed, DON’T BE SHY, REAPPLY!
(In case you are new, some EO Basics can be found HERE)
SO back to what blends BEST with Wild Orange!!? Nearly EVERYTHING! When you are looking at scent compatibility, Cinnamon, Lavender and Peppermint are your top winners! Looking for deeper emotional balance? Try Tangerine, Ylang-Ylang, Lemon or Peppermint. Some of my personal favorites are Frankincense, Bergamot, Clary Sage and Arborvitae. Discover what works best for you and have fun whipping up your own favorite blends!
We have talked about a TON of different ways that you can use Wild Orange, but here is a snapshot of my faves!
- All citrus oils are AMAZING at cleansing and purifying surfaces naturally. Place a couple drops in a spritzer bottle with water and a little white vinegar and VOILA, homemade all-purpose cleaner!
- Did you know there are some essential oils SO pure that you can take them (in moderation) internally!? YES! Its true and I want to tell you ALL about my yays and nays of why I believe some brands are safe! (Make sure to click the link below to learn MORE!) BUT if you have a bottle of essential oil that has a supplement fact sheet on it, then you are cleared to put a drop or two to flavor water, boost smoothies, heighten the flavor of foods and SO much more! (Stay tuned for more into coming your way about the safety of essential oils!)
- OMG diffusers. I will eventually post on why they are so magical, but trust me. You have to have one. I promise. I have like 5 and seriously they are the best things ever to dispense essential oils into the air! Boosting moods and cleaning the airways one tiny molecule at a time!
- Last my but not least, just take a drop, place it in the palm of your hands, rub together, cup to your nose and inhale gently but DEEPLY! Try and do this slowly, holding your breath for 10 seconds and repeat 3-4x. I promise if you are a cranky bunny it’s only a matter of time before you are soaring with smiles! I keep wild orange in my purse just for those moments I get CRAZY!
Wild Orange is your BFF, your mood radar, your mid day energy booster and your super awesome kitchen cleaner. I hope you enjoyed learning a bit about this AMAZING and favorite oil of mine and will go grab yours RIGHT NOW and breathe it in deeply! Trust me, you will be glad you did!
Make sure to join the conversation and comment on my FACEBOOK page your FAVORITE way to use wild orange!
Are you new to this Essential Oil journey and want to learn more about how to empower you and your family with these amazing natural solutions!?
Make sure to fill out the link below and you will see some GREAT info flying your way!!! HAPPY OILING!
Have fun, stay healthy and smile big with WILD ORANGE!