Friday Favorites- Gates Heritage Cutting Boards

Let’s talk about our KETO KITCHEN! Ok friends so I am starting a new series called my FRIDAY FAVORITES! Each week (or so) I am going to post reviews, tips and keto things that I have come to use and loooooooooove! So many of you ask me ALL THE TIME about the different things I use in my kitchen, so I thought this would be a super fun way to share the keto love! This week I am reviewing the AHHHHHHMAZING cutting boards from GATES HERITAGE! These cool keto cats, Brad & Darby Gates, are friends of mine that hand craft Custom Built Furniture. Their flare is Modern Mid Century Furniture & Design and yall it is AHHHHHMAZING! Today I am reviewing these GORGEOUS cutting boards they sent me!

I couldn’t be more PROUD!!!
Now let’s get back to the fun part… THE CUTTING BOARDS!!! These beauties are a TREAT for sure! The boards are handcrafted using exotic hardwoods milled and finished with food grade oil for protection. Dinner Party coming up? This is the perfect cheese and meat display! Looking for unique, one of a kind gifts for birthdays and Christmas? This is such a sweet and thoughtful gift for anyone who loooves to cook and spend time in their keto kitchen! Woods include: Purpleheart, Bloodwood, Padauk, Jatoba, Walnut, Sapele, White Oak, Cherry, African Mahogany, and Ash. And you guys, they are SO SO SO PRETTY!!!!

It’s SO pretty I almost hesitated using it!! (Ok I toooootally hesitated using it! I just wanted it to stay PERFECT lol) But I found out from Darby that if you wash with a mild detergent and dry right away, the board will almost be self healing. Once a week, apply a thin layer of flax or mineral oil, wipe excess, and store sideways. This will help sanitize and keep its luster. SIMPLE! They have a bunch of other COOL items in their shop like handmade spoons, coasters and other varieties of cutting boards! They also do custom orders, so if you are looking for that OH SO PERFECT gift, these Keto fans will take good care of you!!

The BEST thing is that Gates Heritage is offering all my Keto friends some spectacular deals!!!
10% off code for your entire order!!!!
At checkout, include code RACHAELD for 10% off!!
PLUS If you buy 2 boards, you get a THIRD FREE!!!!!!
If you qualify for this, email (office@gatesheritage.com) with your transaction number and your FREE item will be sent with your order
Click here to check them out on Facebook!
Make sure to head on over to their Amazon page and SHOP HAPPY!