Why Diabetics can benefit from LOW CARB/KETO!

Why I believe diabetics could benefit from eating low carb!
From blood sugar management, mood enhancement, better sleep and hormone balancing, limiting and eleminating CARBS has profound benefits for those with insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and type 1! As a type 1 diabetic of 33 years, come hear my WHY and the reason I will NEVER go back to a lifestyle of eating CARBAGE! Keto and low carb eating has given me my life back and I am passionate share with others the value (beyond weight loss) and importance of limiting carbohydrate intake. Check out the Facebook LIVE I did last week and make sure to empower yourself with informed self care and research! There is so much valuable information out there discussing the myriads of benefits for those struggling with diabetes. There is hope my friends and I am on a journey of learning as much as I can and sharing my story!