Choosing to ENJOY the journey!
Lets talk about the process of enjoying the journey and letting go of anxiety along the way!
How do you manage your stress and anxiety when life is busy, stressful and complicated? The answer is a little more simple than I want to admit…Accept the process. Don’t allow the details of the day to day steal your joy and the little victories along the way. No matter what you are facing, you have a CHOICE in how you are going to respond. No one else can make that choice for you. That’s up to YOU.
As someone who has struggled with anxiety most my life, I understand when everything seems to spiral out of control. BUT GOD. Am I leaning into Him and listening to the peace of His voice? Am I bringing my requests to Him and letting Him fight the battles? Sadly, not enough. But my desire is to take each day and find those victories and celebrations. I want to live from a place where JOY. Not happiness. Happiness is just a feeling that is fleeting. BUT JOY is my portion and He has the ability to reach others in and through me.
So my challenge to MYSELF and anyone else who needs a little pep talk is to REST IN HIS TIMING AND PROCESS. Rest in His perfect leadership and enjoy the journey. Tomorrow is not promised, so how will we live TODAY!? In peace and rest. And it is a DAILY CHOICE! Hard? Yes. But doable? YES YES YES!
I am rooting you on and cheering for you from the sidelines! YOU have the ability to CHOOSE to live a life fully pleasing.
Take a deep breath and let the process perfect you in love! It is worth it dear friends and I am on the journey with you!
Rachael Dee