Since last Mondays blog post, I have really been thinking about the difficulty to actually BE myself.  Sounds silly, right?
Maybe…But have you ever thought about it?

To be honest, posting and sharing a LIVE video was VERY exposing for me.
Monday was without makeup, hair up in a pony tail, just worked out, not a great camera angle and imperfect lighting.  Needless to say it was SCARYI think I might care a little toooooo much what other people think.
But I did it because I wanted to confront my own fears and be REAL with each other.

It was important for ME to breakthrough the insecurities I hide under and share from my heart.  And you know what is CRAZY??  We reached OVER 3,600 views on that RAW, weak, honest video.  3,600!!!!
WHAT THE WHAT!!!?  (Video can be found HERE in case you missed it!)

The crazy thing is how many emails, responses and comments FLOODED in by me simply being me.
Raw, makeup free, real ME.

It caused my heart to ponder the deeper work God was doing in my heart.

Why do I spend so much time hiding behind the masks?
Why do I fret over what others think of me?
What am I feeling when I give into those fears?
Rejection… Sadness… Hopeless… Anxious…

But what is the deeper desire in my heart?
That desire that was put there BY God?

For me its to make an impact.
To see lives and hearts awakened to truth.
To be known, seen and heard for who I truly am, not who I am projecting.

So that’s the question I want to pose to you:

What are you feeling when you allow comparison to steal your joy?
What desires are so deep down inside of you, screaming to be free?


Breaking free of false expectations and truly being YOU.
Wild, crazy, YOU.

Think about what you like to do.
What your passions are.
What YOUR dreams are.
What God says about you and how He made you PERFECTLY.

Do you agree with Him?

I struggle with it… still.
BUT I am asking for grace to love me for ME and love what He worked so hard to make.

Think about some of those fears that seem to paralyze you and comment below with something that you LOVE uniquely about YOU!
We are in this fight for life and light TOGETHER!


Let’s talk about LIME Essential Oil!

Let’s talk about LIME Essential Oil!



Back when I used to drink diet soda like it was my full-time job (don’t judge!) I looooooved squeezing some lime juice to spice it up a bit!

Now that I am soda free (3 years strong baby!) I loooooooove putting lime essential oil in sparkling water!!!
Was that an AH-HA moment for some of you!?  YES.  Citrus essential oils and sparkling water are a match made in heaven!!  Trust me, you need this is in your life!!!

My fave is to use a SodaStream!  It’s so easy!!  Just get your water all fizzy, put 1-3 drops in a GLASS, fill the remainder with your uber bubbly water and VOILA!  Refreshing spritzer that is good FOR you and tastes DELICIOUS!!!!  (Reminder! We never want to use citrus EO’s with plastic/styrofoam! WHY? Click HERE)

But lets get back to basics:

Part 2 of our “Citrus in the Spring Series”

Lets talk about LIME essential oil


Lime Essential Oil (Citrus Aurantifolia) is cold pressed and extracted from the peel of the fruit.  It is such a bright, fierce, invigorating oil.  With aromatic notes that are tart and sweet, Lime is a hidden gem in the essential oil kingdom.  Most people don’t realize the AMAZING benefits about this champ of an oil!  From room refreshing to heavenly guacamole and luscious DIY bath products, this little guy gets passed by BIG time!  But no fear! I’m here to help us change that!!

Lime has some amazing benefits and qualities that might shock you!  Many enjoy using Lime for its digestive support, boosting the immune system, restorative properties, tonic, and respiratory function.  What is incredible about lime though is how quickly it can boost the mood!  Toss that baby in the diffuser and you can’t help but do the happy dance!!


• Diffuse to naturally purify and cleanse the air WHILE also lifting your mood.  (Hellooooo 3pm slump!)
• Place a 1-2 drops on a cotton pad and use to help remove grease spots and sticker residue. (Works AMAZING!)
• Add a few drops of Lime to your water for enhanced flavor. (Helloooooo tropical oasis!)
• Add 1 drop to your DIY all-purpose house cleaner or even to shampoo for added cleansing properties. (YUM!)



Lime helps us reach for our zest for life!  (Sounds awesome already, right?!!)
Many of us go through  various seasons of pain, grief or discouragement and LIME is an amazing oil that can help you break out of that deep, dark funk.  This oil gives the individual courage and cheer, bringing us gratitude in the heart.
Have you ever felt like your emotions just needed a little spring cleaning?
I know I have!

Well, Limes your guy then!  This oil assists in uplifting our heart, welcomes joy and cleans out negative, toxic emotions.  Think of it like a traffic cop, clearing out the debris to make room for hope, courage and joy!  Get ready to feel empowered from the inside out to face life’s challenges with a happy heart!


Lime makes everything brighter!  Illuminate your day by blending with citronella, clary sage, lavender, rosemary and ANY other citrus oils.
For emotional support, Lime blends specifically well with Tangerine, Melissa, Wild Orange and Lavender.


Here’s a snapshot of some of my FAVORITE ways to use and apply Lime Essential oil



Any natural solution taken out of its proper context can be harmful.  Essential oils vary in their characteristics and since we are all different in how we respond to using essential oils, its good to remember to always consider safety and common sense.  Though negative reactions are rare, make sure to be a wise steward of YOUR body and pay attention to how you and your loved ones respond.  Remember a little goes a long way with these power packed oils!  Use caution if you have sensitive skin or are using with small children.  Excessive amounts of any oil can cause skin irritation.  Keep out of direct contact with eyes, ears and nose.  Not all oils are created equal, so research what products you are using carefully and follow directions on label properly.

Citrus oils are often photosensitive.  This means that they contain natural substances called furanocoumarins which can possibly react with ultraviolet light to create hyperpigmentation or burning of the skin.  All those big fancy words mean this: citrus oils can increase the skins sensitivity to UV rays… so be cautious! Even though Lime essential oil has amazing beneficial properties, always take care after TOPICAL application.  It is suggested to wait at least 6-12 hours before exposing skin to UV rays.  (Yes ladies, that also means the tanning bed)  An adverse response can appear within minutes, hours or days after application and exposure, so pay attention!  Don’t fret, just be aware and take care!!


Lime essential oil is your bright, happy, cleansing, mood busting, grease cutting, diffuse daily GO TO oil!
If you haven’t cracked this bad boy open, go grab your Lime oil RIGHT NOW and take a deep whiff!  I promise you will feel like fields of green just entered your soul and you’re ready to take on the world!

Don’t have any Lime on hand or want to learn more?
Scroll down below and fill out the form to learn how you can get this oily awesomeness in your hands STAT!

I also wanted to pass on one of my faaaaaavorite DIY recipes!
You probably have ALL of these in your kitchen!
If you make it, make sure to let me know how it turns out!!

I hope you enjoyed this Lime-alicious chat and learned something NEW!
Drop me a line and let me know YOUR favorite way to use Lime essential oil!!!  Till next time, Happy Oiling!

Are you new to this Essential Oil journey and curious to learn more about how to empower you and your family with these amazing natural solutions!? Make sure to fill out the link below and you will see some GREAT info flying your way!!!  If you want great daily inspiration, tips, tricks and resources, pop over to my Facebook page and join the conversation!!!

Time to shatter comparison. FOR GOOD.

Time to shatter comparison. FOR GOOD.

Nasty little bugger.

And don’t even get me started on the lure of “Pinterest Perfect Living” that creates a perfect storm in too many hearts.

Don’t get me wrong.  This isn’t one of those BOOOOO social media posts. Oh please.
I love Pinterest and use Social Media for my business (and have met some AMAZING people over the last few years).
But let’s be honest with how many times we are jealous, envious and comparing our reality with a “perfect face forward” image we see displayed.  Best photos, best moments, never struggling… Sound familiar??

THIS is what we need to stop. THIS comparison is stealing our joy.

Let’s be clear about one thing.
Comparison didn’t start when social media flew into our lives.
Nope.  That little beast has been around for generations, assaulting and shutting down the hearts of men and women alike.  Social Media has heightened our awareness, and we need to be on guard of where our hearts are.

But I want to address you, dear daughter, and the fight that you are in.

Did you even realize that?
YOU are in a fight for your life.

There is an enemy that is hunting you, doing everything it can to steal your joy, your heart and your core identity.  Evil is hunting us all and more often than not, we are completely unaware of the assault.

No wonder I feel like I can’t get out of this pit I’m in...

You, dear daughter, were made in the image of God.
You were made PERFECT.  Beautiful.

Don’t give me the “But I’m overweight… I’m not pretty… I’m not good enough… strong enough… smart enough”
We have a choice to STOP believing them.
WE have to stop waking up every morning HATING what He so beautifully and purposefully made.
But only you can make that choice.

Please know that I get it.  Its real and I have lived most of my life in that space.  But we MUST believe what God says that defines us instead of believing what culture is screaming down our necks.

BE this… DO that… LOOK like this… ALWAYS be on… Never fail… SUCK IT UP… BE perfect… STAY quiet… DONT rock the boat…
ENOUGH!  I can’t take it anymore!

I am so tired of living up to a standard I was never meant to reach.
I am so heartbroken watching my own life and those of dear friends crumble under the weight of comparison.
I am so READY to live in the peace and freedom promised.

We were created in HIS image and if we are accusing what He made, then ultimately we are saying that He is not good and made a mistake.

Go grab your Bible and open it up to Psalm 139 right now and let the truth wash over you.

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.
 How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
 Were I to count them,
    they would outnumber the grains of sand—
    when I awake, I am still with you.
Psalm 139 13-18 (Emphasis mine)

I want you to read that verse again and ask the Father what He was thinking about when He made you.
What were His emotions?
What was His desire?
What purpose were you created for?

Have you ever thought about the fact that you could have been born 100 years ago? 1000 years ago?
But God chose you for THIS time.  To be here in THIS generation with THESE pressures and trials to give HIM glory.

We are all in the battle.
We are all in the struggle in some way.
Yet we have a God who is intentional, purposeful and perfect in His leadership.
We have a Father who sees us, knows us and has counted every hair on our heads.

This is who you are beloved.  You are His and He is fiercely committed to you.

What if we actually walked in that confidence?
Believed what He said was true?

What if instead of comparing and tearing each other down, we actually spoke life over one another?
Love over one another?
Calling out the beauty we see in each other?
Offering rest to our weary souls and acceptance that we are ALL on the journey to stand before Him in love.

This is such a deep desire, and reach for my life.
I have not always loved well.  I recognize this.
I have made many mistakes. I also recognize this.

But I know that God is for me and has given me grace to love, grow and lean into Him.  Grace to love others as myself and speak life and truth instead of lies and accusation.

I invite you to ask Him some of these questions.
Let Him touch your heart and give you grace to love who He made.

You are enough.
You are loved.
You are worthy.
You are adored.

Start the dialogue and let Him pursue the deeper places of your heart.
I’ll do it with you.  Who knows, maybe if we stop comparing ourselves so much, we could actually love well.