Living from the heart

Living from the heart

So many things have changed for my husband and I recently and change is good… BUT HARD.

In the midst of learning new skills, growing as a business woman, wife and friend, I have been provoked to STAY OPEN.  To LIVE OPEN.  To have my heart be soft, pliable and tender.

How many times do we go through seasons of pruning and RESIST what God wants to do?  How many times do we RUN AWAY from the good that change is trying to bring?
I have done this way too many times myself…

We grow weary or tired and “check out” when we get home.  We blame it on our job… the house… the kids… the spouse… but never really connect to that ache and barren place in our heart that longs for God.
The ease to disconnect because we are “too busy” to make time for the things that matter.  To make time for Him.

As I was reading in my devotionals this morning I was provoked to let change happen, but also let my heart remain open.  I have been on a journey the last 6 months to learn what it means to live from my WHOLE heart in all situations.
What it has shown me is how easy it is for me to disconnect, check out or numb when things get sticky.  It’s highlighted seasons of selfishness, pride and arrogance.  Its shown me how self seeking I have been but how much hope is in front of me.

I don’t want to be that kind of wife… mother… friend.
It costs something to live from your heart.
To remain open and present.
To actually LISTEN to when others share their own hearts.

Though I feel weak, I am willing. I want to change and find the confidence to walk in my true self, love from a place of abundance and make others feel seen, heard and known.

This journey of life is too short to stay shut down and isolated.

I invite you to join me and let change perfect us in love and cause our hearts embrace all that is in front of us.

You are loved, cherished and created for a purpose.
Let your WHOLE heart (the good, bad and ugly) rest today.

The heaviness lifts and it feels a bit easier to breathe when I remember to do this… I hope the same for you.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39

You are more than a conqueror and capable of living free from shame and condemnation!  Nothing can separate you from THIS GREAT LOVE!!!

I’m curious what it means to YOU to live from your whole heart?  
(I know I can’t be the only one wanting more!)
Comment below and I would love to be praying for your own journey!
