My FAVORITE Fatty Coffee
If you have been around the KETO community for a while, you have probably come to know and love the amazing benefits of fatty coffee and how it can boost your brain, give you natural energy and get your morning (or afternoon) started off the right way!
So why the craze of grassfed butter in your morning cup of JOE!?
Let me explain!
These natural, keto-friendly healthy fats are energizing, help you to feel full and satisfied all the while helping your body to burn fuel for the rest of the day!
I drink my cup of fatty joe every morning and often don’t feel hungry till late morning or lunchtime. This allows my body to stay in a state of intermittent fasting, giving my body time to focus on breaking down fat instead of storing it!
Remember, eat when HUNGRY and eat fat FIRST!
I always encourage people to start where they are and do what your budget allows, but when preparing this decadent coffee, there is one item my hubby is pretty staunch on using: GRASS fed butter or PASTURE butter. Some people have found that grass fed GHEE is helpful if you have a dairy allergy. Note that this is not to be confused with the heating process called pasturazation, but to find a nutrient rich butter that will blend into frothy deliciousness! Using grass-fed butter has tons of vitamins and nutrients that you will recieve to start your day out RIGHT
Some rule of thought is to ONLY use MCT oil but we find that coconut oil give us all the amazing benefits PLUS it is much much cheaper! (Especially if you get the 84oz tub at Costco… WIN WIN!!) I go with organic, cold pressed, virgin coconut oil vs. the refined counter part. There are certain benefits of refined oil, but for right now, just focus on putting those GOOD healthy fats in your body each morning.
SO, by BLENDING (yes, in a blender, not stirred) these two little beauties in your coffee each morning you are getting all of those brain boosting oils to bump your metabolism into high gear as well as create a dream like state of frothy-coffee-glory!
Here is my super simple, SUPER FAST morning routine that my hubby and I looooove!
8-12oz coffee
1tbsp grass fed butter
1tbsp organic coconut oil
1-3 drops of flavored liquid stevia (optional)
Place all ingredients into a blender or Nutri-Bullet and blend for 30-60seconds!
Check out the video Ask Nurse Cindy and I did a few months back and HAVE fun making your OWN fatty coffee!!! BOTTOMS UP and keto on!
Curious about ways you can get fatty coffee on the GO!!? KETO//KREME is a healthy fat, and patent form of ceylon for optimizing blood chemistry. It also provides ketones to the blood and brain. Drinking delicious KETO//KREME provides energy and mental focus, powered by healthy fats without inflammatory sugars and mold toxins. To request a 5 day sample at OUR cost, check out this great info video at KETO ON!!! justinthomas.experienceketo.com 🙂