You see that right there?
Yea… thats a Keto Bagel Breakfast sandwich.
It is everything you have hoped and dreamed of.
If you’ve been around for a while, you know that my hubby and I have been perfecting our “Stupid Easy Bread Rounds” (SEBR) recipe and it is a game changer in the Keto community. I have had SOOOOOOOO many of you say that it was THIS very recipe that kept you in the low carb lifestyle and my heart couldn’t rejoice more.
Because lets be honest.
And bagels…
Mmmmmm. Bagels.
We had been making the bread rounds for over a year and then one beautiful day I was strolling the aisles of Marshalls with my sleeping newborn and I came across THESE donut tins and everything changed.
I went home and whipped up a yummy brownie recipe because I wanted to use these magical tins! They were… ok…
As the tins sat on the counter to be washed, an idea struck me.
What if I used these for BAGELS instead of donuts and created a fun alternative to the bread rounds!? OMG THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!
I whipped up a small batch of my SEBR and mushed them in the tins, placing them in the oven for a quick and snappy 10 minutes… and the rest my friends is HISTORY.
I eat them ALL. THE. TIME.
Perfect for sandwiches of ALL kinds! Breakfast, lunch and dinner… They even make fabulous mini pizzas for a quick meal. I’m serious when I say these are GAME CHANGERS! Plus you can have TONS of fun with the ingredients and toppings!
My FACEBOOK community shares their creations all the time with me and some of the faves are Jalapeño Cheddar, Trader Joes Everything But the Bagel, Cinnamon “Sugar” and more! The options are as endless as your imagination!!
The best part is they clean up so easy out of the tin and take NO TIME AT ALL to prep!
You’re welcome for that 😉
So here is my recipe to make 12 large bagels
Preheat oven to 400
Spray tins with cooking spray (We use this coconut oil spray)
Mix all dry ingredients first THEN add eggs!
Flatten mixture evenly into tins (I use a sandwich bag to keep my hands clean)
Bake for 10 minutes if you want then slightly underdone to pop int he toaster
Bake for 12ish minutes for a more crisp texture
Store in air tight container for up to a week in the fridge!
4 cup shredded cheese (mozzarella, cheddar, colby jack, parm etc… mix and match)
4 large eggs
2.5 cups almond flour (I tend to go a bit more on the AF. We love THIS)
1 tbsp baking powder (We use THIS) OR 1/2 TBS of Baking Soda for a super fluff!
Seasonings to your liking (Garlic, salt, everything but the bagel seasoning!)
Carb totals below are per bagel!
5.6 TOTAL carbs
3.1 Net carbs
Cheers & Ketones!
Rachael Dee