Best energy boosting juices

Best energy boosting juices

Its true.
I’ve become “that girl”…
You know, the “holistic, all natural, eat as organic and gluten free as you possibly can and tell the whole wide world WHY” kind of girl.  That is a HUGE difference from my diet soda addiction, sugar obsession, calorie glutton, processed snack way of life

Yup.  That’s me.
Reaching for a NEW kind of normal.
rach juice
In my defense, I have been SICK for over a year now and fed up.  Fed up with doctors not knowing how to diagnose me.  Tired of the fatigue, mental brain fog, upset stomach and overall malaise.  Tired of using pain pills or OTC drugs to numb the ache but never solve the problem. Tired of cancelling plans, calling in sick, and unable to function normally day to day.  So I am getting back to basics.  Down to the root of health…


I have become ADDICTED to the way juicing has impacted my energy levels, headaches and overall strength and many of YOU asked me what I am doing.

How did I go down an entire dress size, sleep better and lessen my headaches in a matter of just a week?

Well the answer lies in living what God intended for us, naturally.  Its about eating what our bodies were created to consume, work on our food addictions and emotional triggers, and ask God daily for strength and help to change for the better.  The power of testimony is real, and I am so excited to share with you my top 5 energy boosting, detoxifying juices that have changed my day to day living.  Health is about making small changes over time and I want to help and inspire you in any way that I can.

nutribulletI AM HOOKED!
I got so sick and tired of feeling SO sick and tired, I decided to do what I could on my own to better my overall health.  I am only a few weeks in, but have seen such great results I cant go back.  When I am passionate about something, I tend to share about it with ENERGY, so I hope my excitement spreads to YOU! 

 This is my new best friend… The NutriBullet.
Not a traditional juicer and ABSOLUTELY NOT a blender.

This handy dandy little machine is what’s called a JUICE EXTRACTOR.

But Rachael, what the heck is a juice extractor?  Looks like a blender to me…
I thought the same thing friends, but here is the difference.  Unlike your common juicers (which remove the nutrient rich pulp) and basic blenders (which just mush ingredients around) a juice EXTRACTOR actually breaks down your ingredients at their cellular level, creating a juice that is not only nutritious, but it is easily absorbed into your body.

OMG and did I mention its EASY!!?

You just fill the cup with half fresh, raw greens (arugula, Swiss chard, kale, spinach etc) add some nutrient dense berries (or other fruits) toss in some organic, raw almonds, walnuts or pecans, add a couple super-food elements like chia seeds, flax or maca powder, finish it off with a cup or so of filtered spring water, twist on the extractor blade, and BAM, that’s it!.  You’ve got yourself a pulverized and incredibly delicious juice (they call it a “nutriblast“… so cute!)

The special blade actually breaks down the tough items, like nuts, root veggies and leaves,  and makes it easy to digest for your body.

So easy.  So yum!

The reason I started juicing 2x a day was because I consistently felt like garbage.  By day 2 and 3 I was feeling better from my body detoxing and by the end of the 1st week I felt better than I had in years!  I would eat a light meal in the evenings of fresh veggies and 4-6oz of a clean protein, and it helped SO much!

So where do YOU start!?  Here are my BEST energy boosting juices!
(Recipes taken from the Nutribullet Natural Healing Foods Book,

Toxin Cleansing Blast
Flush toxins from your body with this delicious,fruity concoction.
• 1-2 handfuls of rinsed spinach
• 1 cored pear
• 1 banana
• 1 cored apple
• 1 cup of pineapple
• filtered spring water

The Immune Booster:
Keep healthy even during flu season with this delicious elixir packed with antioxidant goodness.
• 1-2 handfuls of rinsed spring greens
• 1 banana
• 1 peeled orange
• 1 cup of pineapple
• 1 handful of blueberries
• filtered spring water
Protein Powerhouse
Packed full of protein, this super satisfying blend keeps you energized for hours.
• 2 handfuls spring greens
• 1 avocado
• 1 cup raspberries
• 1 orange
• 1 cup mango
• 1/8 cup cashews
• filtered spring water
Tropical Tonic
Boost your immune system with this vitamin C rich drink.
• 2 handfuls spring greens
• 1 avocado
• juice of ½ lemon
• 1 cup mango
• 1 cup papaya
• 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
• filtered spring water
Vita-Berry Blast
Ward off cancer, heart disease, and viruses with this sweet and tasty blast of flavonoids!
• 1-2 handfuls of rinsed spinach
• 1 cup of blueberries
• 1 banana
• 1 handful strawberries
• filtered spring water
Hope you try some of these out and start feeling better!  I would LOVE to hear what you think!  Please comment below any questions you might have, and let me know what is your favorite blast!  Remember, you are NOT alone in the journey to healthy living!
I will be praying that you have a happy & healthy holiday season.
Live, Be & Drink Happy!


My Journey to Healthy Living


My journey to healthy living has been long and often lonely, but yesterday I posted that I started juicing a week ago and got a HUGE response from so many friends!  My in laws gave us a Nutribullet for an early Christmas gift, and I began using it for 2 meals a day.  Crazy thing is I am down a dress size, no longer bloated, my headaches have decreased, I am almost completely off Tylenol and caffeine, I’m sleeping better and my blood sugars are AMAZING!  I am a happy girl indeed!

I decided to put some of the details that were asked in the post, yet as I started, I think this will become a mini series on gluten free living, detoxing, juicing and how to naturally shift to a healthy lifestyle.

If you haven’t read my journey as to why I live gluten, grain and sugar free, make sure to pop over HERE.  In a nutshell, I have a severe gluten intolerance and I am in the process of shifting my ENTIRE life around to try and get my health back into a better balance.  (Easier said then done my friends)  I want to make sure that everyone understands that what I explain here on this blog is from my own personal research, my own personal testimony and shared experience.  If you are like me and have a medical condition, please consult your doctor! 

With that said, I want to share a bit of my childhood, so that you understand the reasond I am so personal and passionate with my health and choice of eating.  I tend to be wholehearted and extreme in anything I do, so I hope you find my zeal hope-filled and inspiring!

To understand me a bit, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the young age of 3.  I’ve been in and out of the hospitals growing up, with a number of life threatening comas which should have taken my life.  The Lords hand was on me, and I see that He saved my life to touch and impact others with His life.  I’d like to share vulnerably a bit our my own journey and hope that it meets you wherever you are today.

I started “sneak eating” as early as I can remember.  As a diabetic, you are told what you can eat and how much you are allowed to consume at certain times of the day.  Yet my sweet little sister was allowed to have all sorts of yummy and decedent food that I “wasn’t allowed” to have, and to my adolescent brain, that wasn’t fair.
I became obsessed with food.  Addicted.  Consumed.  It was often times all I could think of.  I would strategically sneak into the kitchen when my mom was out of the room and consume as much as I could in a short amount of time.  That lead to constant upset stomach aches, high blood sugars and a mental battle that would follow me into adulthood.

Fast forward 25 years or so and you find me at the ripe age of 28.  Migraines were weekly battles and my sugar addiction was out of control.  You see, the pesky thing with sugar is that once the cycle starts, it is vicious, aggressive, and near impossible to control.  I was about to move to Atlanta Georgia for a semester of school, and before I left, my chiropractor suggested getting off all sugar, grains and gluten.
(Gluten, what the heck is that? And how will i survive without SUGAR!)

I decided to try it, seeing as no amount of Tylenol could even remotely touch the headaches. Within the first few weeks I experienced so much energy  I was floored to keep going.  Just 3 months into living gluten, grain and sugar free, I was 22 lbs lighter, walking with nearly NO headaches and sleeping better than I had in years. I ate a diet of clean & lean animal protein (organic when I could afford), nutrient rich organic vegetables and limited amounts of low glycemic index fruits and berries.  It was INCREDIBLE!

I moved back home to finish my last semester of school and life happened FAST when I quickly became engaged to my love & best friend Justin.  Throughout that season of graduating college with my him living and serving an orphanage in Brazil, planning a wedding and cross country move, I slipped from eating as clean as I once did and fell back into old habit patterns.  We arrived in Atlanta in the Fall of 2012 and a few short months later I was nearly bed ridden with sickness while doctors couldn’t figure our what was going on.  I was fighting migraines again, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, malaise, brain fog and social anxiety and felt just downright MISERABLE.  Weeks turned into months and months turned into almost a year until we figured out the greatest attack against my system was a teensy little thing called: GLUTEN.

Gluten is a protein composite found in foods processed from wheat and related grain species, including barley and rye. Gluten gives elasticity to dough, helping it rise and keep its shape and often gives the final product a chewy texture. (Wikipedia)

At this point we were living almost 80-85% “gluten free”.  You know, making sure we “sort of” watched out for it.  It made sense to eat ALMOST completely off gluten, but I had never actually researched the affects and symptoms that can come alongside of someone struggling with a gluten intolerance.

The intolerance can be linked with a myriad of symptoms such as:

  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Chronic diseases
  • Skin eruptions, eczema, cold sores, acne
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Indigestion
  • Bloating Gas
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Congestion
  • Anxiety
  • Moodiness or irritability
  • Headaches or migraines

When NOTHING else seemed to be working, I had been in and out of meeting with dozens of specialists here in Atlanta and tons of blood work drawn, my husband had the most simple of suggestions one night.  He said “well babe, since nothing else seems to be working, what if we just cut out the gluten for a few weeks and see how you feel?”

Made sense to me…
So we did it.  But not the 85%.  Not even the 96%… NO.  We went 100% gluten free.  We purged the house.  We read EVERY label.  We stopped eating out in restaurants (I almost died).  And you know what?  Within 2 weeks my symptoms had decreased and I was able to function for the first time in MONTHS!!!  That’s all it took!  No doctor could tell me anything otherwise and as we have now been gluten free for 3+ months, we are never going back.

SO… Why did I share all that??
I want to take the next few posts to develop the understanding and issues that gluten, (sugar, grains, processed foods…) bring.  Know that since eliminating it from my diet, so many other symptoms have dissolved, and my body is on its way to healing.  Did you know that it takes 7-14 days for gluten to exit your body once introduced, and symptoms of bloating, weight gain, severe stomach discomfort and fatigue can be onset within the hour of ingestion.
Gluten is NO JOKE and not just a “fad diet” gimmick.  Even if you don’t suffer from an intolerance like I do, the way gluten is processed in wheat etc these days, most bodies do best in eliminating it from their diet altogether.

SO, that’s a teensy introduction to my journey.  It has been long, and I am only in the beginning stages of my healing, but I am on a mission to LIVE as full as I can TODAY.  I have struggled with food for my whole life if I am honest, but I know that I am meant to LIVE and LIVE abundantly.  At this point I will do whatever it takes to LIVE each day to its fullest.  My hope for these posts is where other men and women who are on the same quest for health can come together, share stories, encourage and inspire one another.

I hope you stay tuned these next few weeks as I share a few tips and tricks that I have learned along the way and share your own successes and struggles.  We are ALL in this together and none of us are alone.  Make sure to comment below any questions or testimonies of your own victory!

Follow up post to come in a few days!
Until next time,