8 BEST essential oils to help you GET to sleep and STAY asleep all night long!

8 BEST essential oils to help you GET to sleep and STAY asleep all night long!

We know we need it.  We TRY to get it, but often times it’s the FALLING asleep that is so hard!

Welcome to the wonderful world of essential oils and SLEEP!
Here are my 8 BEST essential oils to help you GET to sleep as well as STAY asleep!  (All the tired mamas say AMEN!!!!)

Why is this important before bed?
Because of how QUICKLY THEY WORK!

When you breathe essential oils in AROMATICALLY, those molecules reach your brain within 22 seconds.  This helps you in a number of ways to relax, unwind, let go of stress and feel peaceful before you lay your head on that soft, squishy pillow.  I love the aromatic benefits due to the fact that they directly affect the Limbic System of your brain.  In a nutshell, that means these simple little oils help to balance and control your mood and emotions!  

Sit back, sniff and say ahhhhhhh!  Great for adults as well as your little’s!

Lullaby blend for those DIFFICULT nights!

 Another great way to use essential oils for sleep is a TOPICAL APPLICATION!  Why!?  Because when you use essential oils topically and they sink into  your skin, they start to service EVERY cell within your body within 2 minutes!  That means after about 20 minutes, these little beauties are circulating into your bloodstream, helping to naturally balance out your bodily systems!  Talk about an amazing way to drift off into peaceful sleep!

*When using oils on children, ALWAYS use a carrier oil!  (This is called dilution.)  These oils are so potent and power-packed, we want to make sure their little bodies can absorb them rightly!  Plus it extends the life of your oils, thus saving you money.  WIN WIN MAMA!  Win win!*

The trick is finding what oils YOUR body chemistry specifically desires!  SO GET CREATIVE!  Try these combos listed and don’t be afraid to see what YOU best respond to!

So if you have been struggling with sleeping through the night and are sick and tired of trying all those crazy pills, grab that lovely bottle of Lavender or splash some Frankincense on your neck and give it a whirl!  2.5 years strong and I looooooove me some deep sleep!

Make sure to comment below with YOUR favorite ways to use essential oils to drift off into sleep!

New to the world of oils and FINALLY ready to get these little babies in your home!!? (Because lets be real, EVERYONE needs oils!!)
Learn more, at your own pace HERE!


Rachael Dee

 **Note ** Bergamot is extremely photosensitive, which means it can make your skin very sensitive to the sun. Therefore, avoid applying bergamot before going outside, or only apply to covered skin.

3 Simple ways anyone can start using essential oils

3 Simple ways anyone can start using essential oils

Hey yall!!  Lets talk simplicity and ESSENTIAL OIL!

One of the most commonly asked questions is HOW THE HECK do I use these oils!!?

Ohhhh myyyyyy yesssssss!
This is my favorite question!!  Simply because there are only 3 easy ways to use oils!

These 3 ways lead to THOUSANDS of different combinations that can benefit almost every bodily system you have! Now THAT is what I call a NATURAL SOLUTION!!!

Check out this short but helpful video to discover how you can use your oils NOW!

Want to learn more about how to get started with some essential oils in YOUR own home!?
Make sure to fill out the form below and get started easily with my FAVORITE essential oils on the market!

Here’s your video! ENJOY AND HAPPY OILING!!!

Ready to learn more about MY favorite essential oils and how you can get started with some in your home TODAY!?

Fill out this form below to gain access to my FREE Essential Oil 101 blog class!



Lively LIME guacamole!

Lively LIME guacamole!

Now that the 4th of July is over and gone, what are you going to do with those precious avocados that never made it atop your burger!!?


If you are accustomed to squeezing a bit of fresh lime into your mix, this is going to be an AMAZING burst of flavor!  Whip this up for your next get together and prepare to AMAZE your guests!


Purifying Air Spray: Essential Oil DIY

Purifying Air Spray: Essential Oil DIY

This amazing, refreshing, purifying air spray is PERFECT to rid foul odors from rooms, furniture, and bedding!

Ditch the toxic chemicals and whip up this EASY spray for just pennies per bottle!
One of the benefits of making your homemade spray is that you get to choose the exact smell you want!  PLUS you are inhaling the aromatic benefits of the essential oils and naturally cleansing and purifying the surfaces of impurities.  That’s a WIN in my book!

I have included a few suggestions for oil combinations, but the SKY IS THE LIMIT!!!

To learn more about the simple benefits of essential oils, check out my GETTING STARTED GUIDE HERE!



Monday Motivation: Its all about balance not perfection

Monday Motivation: Its all about balance not perfection



Why am I soooooo black and white when it comes to this?

Healthy living is NOT my strong suit but something I truly long for.
Why is it SO hard to find the balance in it all???

I will start a workout program or clean eating but place too high of expectations on myself and CRUMBLE after a few days or weeks.  So my quest (and question) is what are some ways that we can actually walk in a healthy lifestyle and not beat ourselves up when it’s not PERFECT.

Do you do that?
Dang… I sure do!
I know so many of us struggle with finding the balance in the good, bad and UGLY days and fall off the wagon a little too easy.  Pressure from culture tells us to look one way and then our body might want to look another.

So lets talk about it!!!

Check out the short video below and make sure to comment with some of your best tips and tricks, healthy eating and workout routines!  When we are in the battle TOGETHER I know that we can go so much further!

Remember that the scale does not define you.
Your pant size does not define you.
The idolized image in your head does NOT define you.

God does.
He made you perfect and gave you YOUR body.
Love what He made.  Come into agreement with His thoughts towards you and honor the frame He has given you.  I am with you in the journey and have not yet found my “sweet spot” so to say… THAT’S OK!

Love where you are at and love yourself along the journey.
It’s all about balance, not perfection.

You are worth it!

Let me know what you love to do to keep it all in balance!
Make sure to comment below with your TOP TIPS!
