FAB 500!!!

FAB 500!!!

I am so excited to announce our FAB 500 Necklace giveaway!!

In honor of reaching 500 fans, I’ve decided to do a fun giveaway of a HAND MADE NECKLACE of the winners choice!! With so many entry opportunities and so many necklaces to choose from, what have you got to loose!!?
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Live, love and shop Happy!

(Love me a ton!!? Share this LINK HERE on YOUR page! xox)

Trust starts with a happy heart

Trust starts with a happy heart

I am learning that there is SO MUCH to cultivating and managing a blog and online business.

SERIOUSLY.  So much!

I came down with the FLU OF DOOM on the 5th of June and couldn’t even come up for air until a few days ago.  (Its the 25th!!!  That’s a LONG time to be out sick!)  I attempted to post updates, or scan orders, but my body was in serious shut down mode and I could barely function, let alone keep up with everything.

But in the blogging world CONSISTENCY IS KEY!
Out of sight, out of mind, and let me tell you I lost some SERIOUS momentum…


I started this amazing gift of a business because the Lord put it in my heart to do something I LOVE and to help bring in an income for my family.  But with any sort of entrepreneur type endeavor, there is risk and no real promise of sales.  I realized this as I dropped off the face of the social media planet, that so did my clients.  Now don’t get me wrong, its not a bad thing at all!  I am blessed and grateful that I am able to have a job that allows my body time to rest and recover when it needs to… And being a type 1 diabetic since the age of 3, there are times where my little immune system tells my body I AM DONE and just shuts down.  That is what happened on a  grand scale these past few weeks.

So I have been reflecting on the idea of consistency and trust, especially when it comes to stepping out in faith with a home based business, and I felt the Lord encourage me with a few truths.

1.  If I am walking in purity of heart and wholehearted obedience, as best as I know how, in ANYTHING I put my hands to, then He is faithful to fulfill His promises.  So to me it breaks down this way: I walk in obedience, and the Lord walks in providing.  When these rolls begin to reverse and I think that I AM THE ONE who can control things, then I am stepping outside of the will of God.  He is the good provider, and I am the one who walks in submission and trust.  He asks me to do my part, and He then fulfills His.  I am learning that I cannot do His part… AGGGH!  HARD!

2.  Trust means walking with a happy heart.  Trust means walking free of fear and anxiety.  What an amazing concept and truth!  So often I am bound up in fear, but His word says that perfect LOVE casts out all fear.  He also says that the peace of God will transcend all of my understanding.  Therefore if I trust Him with my finances (my biggest hurdle) then He will take care of every need, even though it might not look like I want it to.  His timing is so different than my own, but if anything I have learned int he last 9 months of marriage, is that He ALWAYS provides, often in the 11th hour, to produce faith and trust in my heart.  WHAT A KIND GOD WE HAVE!  He does nothing by mistake and wants my heart to be found fully and wholeheartedly in love.  I am learning this truth slowly but surely and am eager to see how His great love transforms and changes my heart over time!

3.  He is good and DOES good.  He works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called by His name.  I want to walk in confidence when it comes to this reality.  No matter what mountains come my way, or the valleys that try to tear me down, I want to stand in confidence before God that I declared from my life that He is good.  All He does is good and though I might not fully understand, He is perfecting love deep within me.

So being sick, loosing a bit of ground when it comes to sales, and fighting through some of these truths has produced a resolve in me that I feel inspired a deep sense of HOPE when it comes to trusting the Lord with my future.  I am so touched by the kindness of the Lord and how He speaks through all situations.

He gives us gifts to grow in and I am so eager to see where HE takes me in the joy of making hand made, one of a kind jewelry.  This business is His and I want it to declare, if only in part, His beauty!  I want to trust Him every day, with every part of my heart, and to walk in the JOY that He has set before me.

I want to walk in every season with a happy heart.

So take a look at some of the designs I have been working on, let Him touch your own heart with the dreams He has placed there, and walk away from this little post with a sense of hope that God is good, does good and is in control of everything we need!

Rachael Dee

Do what makes you HAPPY.

Do what makes you HAPPY.

Here are some brand new creations from last night!!!
If you are interested in ordering anything shown, simply leave your email address below and I will send you an invoice!

xox Rachael Dee










Kelsey Rocks It!

Kelsey Rocks It!

Everyone meet my cousin Kelsey! She just ordered her first pairs of earrings and a stunning necklace and this is what she had to say!

Everyone meet my cousin Kelsey!
She just ordered her first pairs of earrings and a stunning necklace and this is what she had to say!

“I am always looking for unique and fun jewelry. I don’t like to wear what everyone else has. When Rachael told me she was starting up her business I jumped at the chance to look at her pieces and see if anything fit my personality. The great thing about Rachael is that her pieces offer a little for everyone. I fell in love with so many pieces and chose my favorites. She shipped them the next day and I was very anxious over the next few days waiting for the package to arrive. My husband texted me a picture of the package and I almost jumped out of my chair at work to o home and open it! That was the first thing I did when I got home and all the pieces were beautiful, wrapped beautifully and even included a thank you note. I wore my first piece today and have felt beautiful and fun all day. Thank you Rachael-You are the best!