So many of us are setting New Years Resolutions but I wanted to share a bit on why GOAL SETTING and ACTION STEPS are so important and valuable for you to reach your destination.  I posted a live video I did talking through some of these ideas and knew that I couldn’t be the only one who struggles with this!

How many times have we started a new exercise program January 1st or FINALLY decided to go on a much needed diet to shed some holiday cookies? 

But what happens?
We start with excitement and vigor… but life settles in, the pounds don’t melt off as fast as we want and keeping to a new program or schedule is plain HARD.

Ugh.  I hate it when things are hard. YUCK.

But it doesn’t have to be really REALLY hard if you do it right!

What if you took your goal… say loose 10 lbs… and broke that down into bite sized pieces!?

Make it realistic and reachable.

If you want to lose 10 lbs in 3 months then you would need to lose on average 3.33 lbs a month! WOAH!  That seems pretty manageable!  What if you THEN broke that down into weeks?  All you would have to so is loose .83lbs a week! TOTALLY DOABLE!

Now break that down AGAIN into ACTION STEPS!

If you are trying to lose weight, what will help you get there?
If 80% of weight loss is the type of FOOD you eat and 20% is building lean muscle (ditch the treadmill babe and pick up those weights!!) then you might need to focus on eating foods that will shed body fat.
You also might want to cut the soda and increase your water.
These are all the beginnings of action steps!

Now for the big kahuna.
Lets take it one step further.


That’s right.
Whether paper or digital, schedule it out.

Meal prep? Put it in the schedule.
Lifting weights? Put it in the SCHEDULE.
Need some better groceries so you can kick fast food?


Those who fail to plan, plan to fail”
-Benjamin Franklin

If you don’t actually PUT IT IN your schedule, it is most likely NOT going to happen.
Don’t let perfection keep you from the progression.  These things DO NOT change over night and you will NOT be perfect.  That right all my recovering perfectionists… YOU CAN’T DO IT PERFECT.
But there is hope in your growth!  Even if you reach your goal 40… yay 60% of the time, that is a HUGE victory!!!


Don’t let another year slip right on past you.

SO friends, join me in the journey of the JOYS of goal setting and don’t let them fade in February.
Lets stay focused and make this year full of abundance and discovery!

Here’s the posted video! ENJOY!

Rachael Dee
Rachael Dee


p.s.  Click HERE: POWER OF A FOCUSED LIFE and check out the worksheet and schedule!
Comment below with some of the areas you are looking to grow in this year!